Skilled Legal Guidance For New Owners And Existing Businesses
If you are starting a corporation or other type of business in the Brownsburg area, a business lawyer from Leblanc Nettles Law LLC can help. We will create and modify business contracts, establish operating policies and help you avoid compliance issues.
Speaking with a lawyer before you start your new business can help you to address difficult decisions, such as whether or not to offer employee benefits. You can also reduce the severity of major events in your company’s future, including ownership changes. Schedule a consultation with an experienced business lawyer today to build your business on a strong foundation.
Personalized Service From Experienced Business Lawyers
At Leblanc Nettles Law, LLC, we advise our clients in everything related to business law. With a combined experience of 60 years, we provide legal counsel to clients facing business disputes in Indiana. We also craft specific solutions for new and established businesses to secure their interests and prevent future issues.
Our attorneys are ready to help you with legal matters pertaining to your company such as:
- Decisions regarding the most appropriate business organization and structure
- Complex transactions involving mergers, acquisitions and dissolutions
- Assistance in the drafting and validation of contracts and transactions
- Cases involving civil disputes and litigation
- Employment law and operating policies
- Business compliance
How Can We Assist Your Business?
Let us advise you in finding resolutions to any legal disputes with your business by calling 317-982-5007 today. You can also share details of your case and your contact information via our secure online form.