When you get married or start a family, you have to think about your responsibilities to the other people in your household. As a caregiver or wage-earner, you likely contribute a lot to the family, which means that your death or medical incapacitation would lead to...
Year: 2024
The child’s best interests: What are they?
One thing that you often hear people say when talking about how the court makes a ruling in a divorce case is that the court tries to focus on the child's best interests. This is true, and it marks an important shift in how the courts look at these cases. In the past,...
What’s at risk if you die without an estate plan in Indiana?
Procrastination is human nature. People put off handling tasks that they think of as unpleasant. Unfortunately, procrastination harms the person delaying certain activities. They run the risk of not doing what is necessary in a timely manner, which could have...
Will you lose everything if you were a stay-at-home parent?
You were a stay-at-home parent for the majority of your 10-year marriage, and now you’ve found yourself in a difficult position. You can return to your career, but you’ll be starting 10 years behind others of your age in your industry. You may not have as much savings...
How do Indiana divorce courts determine child custody?
Anyone considering divorce has many things to take into consideration. In addition to questions you may have concerning spousal support and property division, your biggest concern is probably the custody of your children. How can you know which factors the court will...